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A book commissioned by ADIA featuring some of the characters and companies that have shaped the drilling industry over the past 50 years.

The book was officially launched at the DRILL2019 conference.

A copy costs $82 (including shipping and GST), and members will receive an additional discount.

We'd like to thank the following sponsors for their generous support towards publication:

Gold: Ausdrill, Boart Longyear, Lucas, Sandvik, Swick and Wallis

Silver: Capital Drilling and Foraco

Bronze: Easternwell, Mitchell Services, Titeline Drilling and Topdrill

Supporters: Acquadrill, Bunbury Drilling Company, Dig Solutions, Evolution Drill Rigs, Spaulding Drillers, Stock Xchange


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Please contact if you wish to ship internationally.

Filed under

  • Books


Member $65.00, Non-Member $70.00*

*prices is ex GST